Screams of terror, silenced only by the splintering of glass! In this textbook example of 80s slash trash, an aspiring actress (Jenny Neumann from Hell Night), haunted by the childhood memory of her mother being thrown through a car window, finds herself trapped at the centre of a brutal killing spree as one by one her fellow thespians are butchered by a psychopath with a sliver of glass.Adding non-stop bloodshed to his successful cinematic recipe of softcore sex and ample naked flesh, Ozploitation auteur John D. Lamond (Felicity) takes on the stalk 'n slash genre with a vengeance in this infamous home-grown Halloweenclone. Proudly high on body count (including a notoriously graphic full-frontal thrill kill scene) and thankfully low on subtext, Nightmares offers the rare opportunity to see a host of famous Aussie faces (Gary Sweet, Briony Behets, John Michael Howson and others) dispatched in the most gruesome ways imaginable!
directed by: John D. Lamond
starring: Briony Behets; Gary Sweet; Jenny Neumann; John Michael Howson
1980 / 83 min / 2.85:1 / English DTS-HD MA 2.0
Additional info:
- Region Free Blu-ray
- NOT QUITE HOLLYWOOD extended interviews with director John D. Lamond and actress Nina Landis
- Audio commentary with director John D. Lamond and filmmaker Mark Hartley
- Deleted scenes
- Confessions of an R-Rated Filmmaker featurette
- John D. Lamond trailer reel
- Stills and poster gallery
- Theatrical trailer
- English SDH subtitles