Natural Born Killers: The Director's Cut (Region B)

Type: New Blu-Ray

Oliver Stone's controversial tale of killers on the run. Micky and Mallory (Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis) are no-good drop-outs who respond to their social alienation by embarking on a murder rampage across America. Soon, with the help of tabloid journalist Wayne Gayle (Robert Downey Jr), they become cult heroes, and find themselves at the centre of an unlikely media circus. But FBI agent Dwight McClusky (Tommy Lee Jones) is determined to put an end to their glory. Based on a screenplay by Quentin Tarantino.


Extra Content

Commentary By Director Oliver Stone

Natural Born Killers: Method In The Madness

NBK Evolution: How Would It All Go Down Now?

Chaos Rising: The Storm Around Natural Born Killers

Charlie Rose Show

The Desert: Introduction by Oliver Stone

The Courtroom: Introduction by Oliver Stone

The Drive-In: Introduction By Oliver Stone

Steve Wright: Introduction by Oliver Stone

The Hun Brothers: Introduction by Oliver Stone

Denis Leary: Introduction By Oliver Stone

Alternate Ending: Introduction By Oliver Stone