Nudist Life / 10 Days in a Nudist Camp / Shangri-La

Type: New Blu-Ray

Includes: Nudist Life (1961)The intricate complexities and subtle social structure of 1950s nudist colony life is depicted in this titillating exploiter in which sun worshippers walk, talk, snack and partake in other activities. There's also ping-pong and volleyball-all captured at Florida's Fair-View Gardens. Produced by George Weiss, producer of "Glen or Glenda." AKA: "Nature Girl's Frolics." 72 min. BW/Rtg: NR 10 Days In A Nudist Camp (1952)This carnal compilation of "naturist camp" footage of the '30s, '40s and '50s shows that things were as wild in the good old days as they are in contemporary times. It's a best-of three-decade delight that'll make you yell, "Take it off!" 61 min. BW/Rtg: NR Shangri-La (1961)This titillating travelogue offers Jerry Lewis act-alike Sammy Petrillo as a zookeeper explaining to his buddy the delights that await them-alligator farms and, most importantly, nudist camps-on their upcoming Florida vacation. Brandy Case, Jane Douglas, Arthur "Weegee" Fellig also star. 63 min. C/Rtg: NR Standard; Soundtrack: English; bonous shorts "The Expose of the Nudist Racket" (1938), "Nature Girls" (1952), "Back to Nature" (1955), "Nudist Memories" (1961). Nudes, Nudists, and Nudism Around the World."