The Blood on Satan's Claw w/SLIP (Severin Films) USED *SEE NOTE*

Type: Used Movies


The ‘Folk Horror’ genre reached its grisly peak with the legendary 1971 Tigon shocker still hailed as “haunting” (Empire), “daring and significant” (The Digital Fix) and “very, very nasty” (British Horror): When an inhuman skull is unearthed in 17th century rural England, it will spawn an unholy frenzy of carnal insanity – embodied in an infamous performance by Linda Hayden (HOUSE ON STRAW HILL) as a succulent teen temptress – pagan depravity and ritual summoning of the ultimate evil.  Patrick Wymark (WITCHFINDER GENERAL), Barry Andrews (DRACULA HAS RISEN FROM THE GRAVE) and James Hayter (THE HORROR OF FRANKENSTEIN) co-star in “one of the finest British horror films ever made” (Digital Retribution), directed by Piers Haggard (VENOM) and now scanned in stunning 4k from the original negative.


Audio Commentary with Director Piers Haggard, Screenwriter Robert Wynne-Simmons and Actress Linda Hayden

Audio Commentary with The League Of Gentlemen’s Mark Gatiss, Jeremy Dyson and Reese Shearsmith

Touching The Devil: ‘Making Of’ Featurette

Reviving Forgotten Horrors: Interview with Piers Haggard

Satan’s Script: Interview with Screenwriter Robert Wynne-Simmons by Film Historian Dr. Marcus Stiglegger

Folk Tale: Interview with Actor Simon Williams

Folk Music: Interview with Composer Marc Wilkinson

Folk Art: Interview with Set Dresser Milly Burns

Folk Sounds: Interview with Sound Recordist Tony Dawe

Running with the Devil: Interview with Linda Hayden

In A League Of Its Own: Featurette with The League Of Gentlemen’s Jeremy Dyson and Mark Gatiss


Reversible Wrap

BONUS: CD Soundtrack