Bloody Spear at Mount Fuji (Region B)

Type: New Blu-Ray

Praised by Japanese film critics and highly admired by his contemporaries Akira Kurosawa and Yasujirô Ozu, Tomu Uchida still remains little known in the West. His 1955 masterpiece * Spear at Mount Fuji is an excellent entry point for the newcomer.

During the Edo period, * Spear at Mount Fuji is a tragicomic road movie of the kind, following a samurai, his two servants including spearbearers Genpachi (Chiezô Kataoka) and the various people they meet on their journey, including a police officer looking for a thief, a small child, and a woman to be sold into prostitution. tion.

Winner of a prestigious Blue Ribbon Award for the supporting actor and Kurosawa Regular Daisuke Katô, * Spear at Mount Fuji is a film that deserves much wider international acclaim.


  • High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) Presentation
  • Original uncompressed mono audio
  • Optional newly translated English subtitles
  • Brand new audio commentary by Japanese cinema expert Jasper Sharp, recorded exclusively for this release
  • Reversible case features original and newly commissioned artwork by Corey Brickley
  • First print only: illustrated collector's book with new writing on the film by critic and filmmaker James Oliver.